Choosing a Home Care Agency

Home Ressources Choosing a Home Care Agency

How to choose a Home Care Agency

Trying to find a provider or service that is right for you or your loved one can be a daunting task. That is why we have compiled a list of questions that you can ask prospective providers as well as people who have had experience with that provider. This information will help you to best figure out which provider or service is right for you or your loved one.

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Questions to ask:

  • How many years of service does the provider have?
  • Do they have information that clearly outlines the services they provide, eligibility requirements, costs, and payment options?
  • How are the caregivers or other staff members chosen and trained? Are the employees protected and bonded?
  • Who evaluates the needs of the client? Are they nurses or therapists? Are the client’s healthcare professionals and family consulted in regards to care? Are they consulted about changes in the care plan?
  • Is the care of the client documented with tasks for each service care individual? Do copies of the care plan get distributed to the family and healthcare professionals, including updated copies?
  • Are supervisors assigned to watch over the care being given to the clients to ensure safety and proper care? If so, how often does the supervisor check in?
  • If there are problems, who does the client or their family get in contact with?
  • How are the reported or observed issues taken care of?
  • How is billing and payment carried out? Are financial statements with point by point accounting provided? Are the financial aspects fully explained to the client and the family?
  • How are emergency situations handled? Are caregivers available 24/7?
  • How are confidentiality issues taken care of?